Friday, March 13, 2015


Thank you all that were in the Group Exercise Class today:
Remember to only doing what we can and what makes us feel good:

1. Warm up:

A. We prepared our bodies and minds in the warm up for our Pilates/ Yoga session today
B. We did several poses and strength exercise for our core, legs and arms, standing and utilizing the chair
C. Our poses were of rhythmic limbering and warm up stretches to start with

2. Workout:

A. We did our Plies working the larger muscles first, only going down in the movement as much as you feel like:
B. Leg lifts back to work the glutes:
C. Chair work we worked our arms:
D. Lower back as we sat steady and bent our arms and arched back slowly working the lower back and again only in range of motion that works for you: remembering that if you have a back issue onl a little movement is good and even if it doesn't feel good don't do it
E. Leg lifts to the front:
F. Ab core lift in leg bend reaching the elbow as much as you can to the knee or straight leg opposite side reach:

3. A relaxing on the cool down..........Stretching all muscles and for hands touching each finger with thumb

As we came to a close, summing up would be to be as active as you can through the day: Exercise should be a part of our lives while taking baby steps to make a change. Start easy with yourself. An idea for the day was to do 10 minute workouts 3 times a day, in the chair while watching tv, walking and also house work

Verse for the day:
Psalm 118:24 (NKJV)

Thank you all and God Bless:
Laura Trumbull
Email :

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